Re-Thinking Depression:
Are you or is someone you know a sufferer of depression?
Some of the Topics to be Covered in the Presentation:
- How the pharmaceutical industry encourages us to ignore the social side of depression- and why several companies are quietly leaving the antidepressant business
- Why depression isn’t fated by brain chemistry, genes, diet, or personal weakness
- Biological factors affirming the power of social factors
- Genetics, epigenetics and socialization as key variables to consider
- Identifying and addressing risk factors –especially yours – is crucial
- Advances in the interpersonal model: Depression is contagious
- How one factor – expectancy – influences every phase of treatment
- How our depressed feelings can misguide us when making decisions
- The single factor which most influences how you gauge whether your relationship with someone is good or bad, healthy or unhealthy, worthwhile or a waste of time – and how your awareness of it can ease major suffering
- How depression affects marriages and families adversely
- How to function preventively and reduce a child’s “depression inheritance.”
- The dynamics of employing good task assignments to catalyze progress
- The role of focusing strategies such as meditation and hypnosis in fostering emotional self-regulation
- The possibility of prevention requires us to shift our priorities
Who is Michael D. Yapko, Ph.D?
Michael D. Yapko, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist residing in Southern California. He is internationally recognized for his innovative work in treating depression with active, brief psychotherapies.
He routinely teaches to professional audiences all over the world. To date, he has been invited to present his ideas and strategic methods to colleagues in more than 30 countries across six continents, and all over the United States. He has lectured in Australia more than 70 times.
Dr. Yapko has had a special interest that spans more than four decades in the intricacies of proactively treating the disorder of major depression. His social view of depression has considerable empirical support and encourages multi-dimensional treatments.
He is the author of 15 books and editor of three others, and numerous book chapters and articles on the subject of depression. These include Keys to Unlocking Depression, Depression is Contagious, and Breaking the Patterns of Depression. His works have been translated into nine languages.
He also wrote the authoritative section on “Treating Depression” for the Encyclopedia Britannica Medical and Health Annual. More information about Dr. Yapko’s work is available on his website: www.yapko.com.
Dr. Yapko is the recipient of numerous awards for his contributions to advancing the field of psychotherapy, including lifetime achievement awards from the American Psychological Association and The Milton H. Erickson Foundation.
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